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The magical silence of winter.jpg

A Virtual World

This section comprises of landscape paintings, which are done completely out of imagination, without any picture references but of course purely inspired by the beauty of nature 



These Floral creations are tiny pieces of Art inspired by flowers around me and mainly my attempt to try out different strokes and mediums ! 

They aren't close to the actual beauty but do take a minute to see them


Live Paintings

In the present day of 0s and 1s, creativity has more dimensions to expand in. Have a look at these unusual forms of my paintings 


Traditional Art

This section comprises of a tinge of mandalas,  Waarli art and such traditional pieces with a flavour of India in them. All the intricacies are purely brush work and hope you like them



This section is purely an attempt into a whole different genre of art , which can be interpreted in any creative way you chose to! 

This is my attempt in spilling and playing with colours


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Trying different styles and mediums is always exciting. Here is one such attempt !


3D Paintings

The 3D effects cannot be seen in a photograph as they require special glasses through which you need to see these pieces of work. 

Please zoom them to observe the detailings


Divine figures

This section comprises of an attempt to paint divine figures of the hindu mythology, seeking inspiration from several stories, shlokas and images I have come across from my childhood.

Hope you like it 

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