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Swapnasrushti is an illustration brand and a creative hub, where we hope to expand knowledge and creative expertise across all endeavours. The word 'Swapnasrushti' is a Sanskrit word, which literally translates to 'creation of dreams' . This venture is a long time dream and  most paintings here have a flavour of dream worlds inspired by nature's beauty, thus, justifying the word choice   ! 


We wish and try to motivate  several other art enthusiasts' journeys by sharing the tiny bag of  skills  learnt over the years, through this venture as a way of  giving back and helping more creative minds to enjoy the essence of this beautiful art world.


As an amateur artist, Rakshitha's main medium is soft and heavy body Acrylics and  sometimes plays around with oils! She also has a bit of exposure to watercolours and gouache . Her main genre is imaginary landscapes and very closely followed by seascapes and snowscapes. She also loves to try different things like  fluid art,florals, traditional Indian art styles like waarli, abstract and unique things like her 3D painting . 



Ranging from imaginative landscapes to 3D paintings, Abstracts and Mandalas, have a virtual journey across different genres of art and enjoy the vibrancy and flow of colours, by clicking the button below.


Thoughts about various different topics across different professional domains right from art to spirituality to technology to life experiences. Take a few minutes and read something that interests you and do drop your views and thoughts on that!

Live Paintings 

In the present day of 0s and 1s, creativity has more dimensions to expand in. Have a look at these unusual forms of my paintings 

Rakshitha Ravi

Rakshitha Ravi (first name pronounced as Ruck-She-tha!)  was born and brought up in India, until she moved to Montreal, Canada, in 2018 as a hobbyist artist, to study at McGill University and pursue a career in Machine Learning.She has a worked a bit in the intersection of painting, computer vision and robotics in the industry as well as in academia 


Her first memory of art dates back to her three and a half year old self  sitting on her  grandfather’s lap  and drawing tomatoes! It was soon followed by various levels of training from the best professionals around her , in different styles and mediums, till she stepped into high school, and the journey till then helped her be a part of several regional, zonal and national competitions.


The turning point of her artistic career came right after high school, when she started capturing her imaginary colourful  landscapes on canvas, with an art style she had never seen before. She believes that a  random combination of strokes that look good together comes  naturally when she starts a piece of work with the help of some sort of divine grace. That’s  when she realized, she is blessed with a skill that fills her with so much happiness and satisfaction. 


Her transition from a hobbyist artist to an amateur one  happened with the launch of Swapnasrushti in January 2019.



Rakshitha about

Process Videos

This section comprises of a few process videos that can help you


Virtual world

This section comprises of my signature Landscape paintings.



Pictures from a few selected exhibitions can be found here 

Some interesting sections that you may not want to miss......

Quote Mark

Art, a conflict of ideas, reflection of divinity, a world of

self-realisation, is a language you don't have to learn to understand. 

Life is a canvas, your decisions and choices are your brushes so paint it with all your desires, and make it as colourful and enchanting as possible and let nothing hinder you from doing what you want


-Rakshitha Ravi

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